Thanksgiving! The Pilgrims and Native Americans joined together for a harvest feast at Plymouth Plantation in 1621. The pilgrims had been taught how to crow corn, catch eel and lobster.. . essentially some very early forms of procurement. Having stored up food for the winter they were celebrating their first harvest. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving in America with some of the same foods, but some have changed over the years. People take time to stop and give thanks, travel to be with family, watch parades and football. You see people on Facebook and social media doing a daily “I’m thankful for…” throughout the entire month of November. As a purchasing manager, what are you thankful for?
Are you thankful for smooth operations within the various departments? All of whom work together for the good of the company, putting the business needs ahead of their own?
Are you thankful that the recent economic difficulties have propelled purchasing and procurement into the limelight, drawing attention to a much-overlooked profession and bring more appreciation and respect for the job purchasing managers do?
Are you thankful for vendors who remain above reproac, delivering you superior quality goods and services in a timely manner?
Are you thankful for new technologies that continue to bring improvements to the industry and help make your job easier and more efficient?
Are you thankful for company owners and managers who understand the important role of a purchasing manager and in turn give you the support, freedom, and latitude you need to make decisions that benefit the company and the bottom line?
Are you thankful for blogs, social networks, and other resources that keep you up to speed on purchasing best practices?
When you read this list, did you nod in agreement, being thankful for all of these things or did you find yourself mumbling under your breath about one or more of these. Maybe you even laughed out loud or read one to a coworker commenting that you wished you could be thankful for that, but it is the furthest thing from the truth of your situation in your business place at this time. We have another month before you start hearing about new year’s resolutions, but why not take some initiative. On that one that really bothered you above, what can you do to change it? Don’t push off the blame on someone else saying you can’t be thankful for understanding managers and try as hard as you have, they just don’t get it and you can’t do anything to change it. Is that really true? Is there something you could do or say, or maybe not say, that would start some change. Remember, even the smallest speck of snow can end up a monstrous snowball. Why not be the one to start pushing it? Even if it means pushing it up hill before it crests and starts building volume and momentum going down the other side? Then next year you can be thankful, truly thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving!